Healthy cod and vegetable fritters

Are you missing cod fritters, but they are caloric because they are fried? Make this wonderful recipe, nutritious, healthy and without being fried.

You will need two pieces of codfish, 4 eggs, one carrot, one courgette, half an onion, rice flour.

Peel the carrot and the courgette, then grate them and set aside. Bake the cod pieces for three minutes. Once cooked, shred the codfish and set aside.

In a bowl beat the four eggs and the rice flour until you make a batter.

Once you have a good batter, mix the shredded cod and the carrot and courgette mixture. Chop half an onion and add it to the previous preparation. If the cod is too soaked, add a pinch of salt.

In a non-stick frying pan, grease with a little olive oil and place tablespoons of the preparation, flattening it with the spoon, after two or three minutes turn to the other side and leave for another two or three minutes. Keep doing this until you finish the preparation, if necessary grease the skillet with olive oil as often as necessary. Enjoy!


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