Lose weight but don’t lose memory and heart.

Top 7 – food

Food can improve your mind and heart. In addition to genetic inheritance, we can minimize the risks of brain decline that happens with age through foods such as:

1 – Curcuma – This spice, very used in Indian cuisine, helps to maintain a good protein in the brain called “ApoE” which eliminates the unwanted beta-amyloid. In addition to being an antioxidant.

2 – Exercising on a regular basis also helps the brain and heart.

3 – Decreasing or eliminating saturated fat and refined sugar reduces inflammation in the body and head, as these are associated with memory loss, due to the inflammation it causes.

4 – Consume omega 3 fats, they are essential for memory and heart, since the brain is the fattest organ and omega 3 fats give the brain the elements to repair neurons. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that people with the highest levels of DHA – fats found in fish – had a 47% reduced risk of developing dementia.

5 – Eat fruit and vegetables. High consumption of vegetables, especially vegetables, is beneficial for brain health.

6 – Consumption of sesame, pumpkin and linseed seeds is also associated with a lower decline in memory functions.

7 – Dark chocolate your ally when you need sweets. The flavanols found in dark chocolate and also in blueberries, red wine and tea help brain connections as well as eliminate toxins and therefore reduce inflammation.


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