An anti-inflammatory shot

Want an anti-inflammatory shot? It’s a fantastic duo

Add powdered cinnamon to your coffee. Both cinnamon and coffee have compounds that have been shown to help reduce inflammation.

In Sweden, some researchers discovered that coffee, due to the substances it contains, acts on the brain and makes mild depressions disappear. Coffee improves mood for at least two hours after drinking it. Coffee has a substance called theophylline, which dilates the bronchi and in this way alleviates the symptoms of asthmatics.

Coffee has another substance that seems to prevent tooth decay like tannin. It also contains numerous polyphenols which are anti-carcinogenic substances.

But you shouldn’t drink more than 3 cups a day because the risk of heart disease increases. Those suffering from hypertension are advised to take it in moderation. It is not recommended for nervous, sensitive and emotional people, as well as those suffering from gastric ulcers.


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